Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Recently I started watching and playing Pokemon a result drawings have been made. Enjoy! And dont judge...too much.

Charmander and Squirtle were part of a Valentine's message which is why they are in a similar style; while Caterpie and Pikachu were just for fun. Caterpie I wanted in a style more close to the anime and Pikachu was done in a sketch type style that I've been wanting to try in digital.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jan 21st Photo(s)

Left my camera with last weeks photos at work and I've been forgetting to upload them.

Two photos for today though!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wake Up and GIR the 3rd

Okay so "someone" has been leaving drawings for me to find when I get home from work. Today I decided to return the favor

Also I finished up yesterday's GIR in between progress bars at work today. I think this one is favorite one so far

Hope you guys like 'em

Till next time


Another Sketch, Another Digital (UPDATE)

I love GIR, he is definitely one of my all time favorite characters. Not too mention he is super fun to draw. In any given episode there is not shortage of humorous poses and expressions that he makes.

I'm working on digitizing the image and coloring it. Post when this this one's done!

Till next time



Alright, I couldn't help it... I went ahead and finished the ink and basic colors tonight...

You'll notice the digital version is a little different than the sketch. After I finished the tracing in Illustrator, I  took a look at my original reference image and started making some adjustments to make him look more like how he originally appeared. Let you guys know when he's done!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Such a Simple Word

I love this commercial...

Here recently a myself and a few of my friends from work have been doing random little sketches in our free time using Sketchbook Pro for iPad. We've mostly been doing random celebraties, originally we tried to make them look as ridiculous as possible...but it has sort of evolved from there and now these drawings are becoming more and more detailed.

Back to the commercial above, I went ahead and took a screencap from the video and have been working on a drawing based on the guinea pigs.

Here is a screen of the work in progress:

I'll update when these little guys are done

Till next time


Jan 13th Photo

Jan 12th Photo

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First Sketches

Tonight I was inspired to do a quick photoshop of character from a cartoon I recently starting watching again. This 'shop consisted of me taking an existing internet image and altering it to fit my needs. The image served its intended purpose and I could have left things be from there. However I didn't...I wasn't satisfied with simply ripping an image from the 'net and manipulating it to suit my needs. Inspired, I dusted off my old sketchbook and went to work. The results were, in my opinion, less than spectacular...buuut, given that I have not opened a drawing book in at least 2 years I think I didn't do so bad...

These two little guys are eventually going to be inked and colored in Illustrator, but for now behold the first sketches I've done in years.

Till next time


Jan. 7th Photo

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Entry, New Challenge

It has been quite some time...

Last year I said was going to travel more and I did. It was awesome. I hope to continue that this year and I hope it helps me contribute to my challenge to myself for this year...

This year my big challenge for myself is to take and share one photo every single day. I dont want to limit myself to just one, so some days there may be more, but one is the goal.

Starting with today...