Well folks, in case you hadn't noticed...today...is Valentine's Day. And it is my first one in I can't remember how long that I have spent single... to be honest it is a strange sensation to not have someone to buy gifts for...but at the same time it is strangely liberating... I can't quiet describe.
I got up this morning, before my alarms mind you, feeling quiet refreshed...you see I spent another weekend in Austin with family...it was incredible to say the least. We did absolutely nothing but sit around at the house and yet I still had such an incredible time. In fact I hadn't had that much fun since...well the weekend prior and before that was 30 Seconds to Mars... I dunno there is just something about that place that is just so refreshing...so refreshing in fact that even the 8hrs total driving to and from did nothing to change my mood. In fact, if nothing else, those 4 hrs travel each leg serve as a wonderful time for reflection and enjoyment of music. I love it. Not too mention the countryside is lovely. If I'm not careful this is going to become a weekly thing...not that that would be a bad thing...except maybe on my pocketbook, I suppose I could cut out a couple games a month :P
Expect a vlog from this past weekend to be coming soon, I have a bunch of footage to go through and two unrelated videos to make so it might take another night or too.
Till next time! Oh and I hope you all have had a wonderful Valentine's Day, I know I have!