Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Image Copyright JaredcMorgan
What's up guys?

So not a whole bunch happening today... spent a good deal of my free time after work running a couple of errands. It was a nice change of pace from coming home and chillin out watching YouTube videos all night. I ended up taking care of an issue with the bank and getting my haircut...which if you've seen any of my recent videos...I needed one...bad

After I finished up with my errands, I headed out to Friday's with a buddy of mine that I'd been meaning to hang out with for a while. We had a great time catching up and afterward we headed over to his place to play a couple demos (bulletstorm looks awesome btw) and watch some episodes of Squidbillies on teh big screen... now, if you know me, you'd know that I have been deeply opposed to Squidbillies for a while now...but that judgement was based on observation of show through it's commercials...I figured it was time I stopped knocking the show till I tried it. I'm going to honestly say that after tonight, Squidbillies is pretty damn funny and I'll be adding it to my list of shows to watch and catch up on.

After that it was time to pack up and head home for the night. Now I didn't take any video today due to a failure on my part to bring my camera with me AND my phone was dying the entire time I was it was sort of a balance of have video or have a way to communicate with people.

Anyway that's about all for today, till next time!


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