Monday, February 7, 2011


So I was talking to my brother and sister earlier and my bro sent me a text message talking about the "In Flames" album coming out in May...well he also added an emoticon to the  message that set off a whole different series of  texts with my Sis about it. The emoticon in question is simply this "\m/(O.o)\m/" which if looked at carefully appears to be a deranged metalhead throwing up "the horns" 

My sis and I agreed that it would make for an epic  logo for a metal band...but she didn't know what to call the band  and said something to the effect of "the artists formerly unknown as dukidoll" to which I responded that I thought the little guy would look good "crowning" the top of the letters to the band name... I dunno...what do you guys think.

I whipped this little guy up in about 15min using Illustrator
Till next time...


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