Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sandwich's and Conversations

So tonight I had the pleasure of hanging out with my good friend Jake. Earlier in the week I messaged him saying we needed to hang out, since we hadn't in quite some time. Since we did some photos together with his brother-in-law at Wreaths Across America in December. So, he messaged me and asked if Thursday would be a good night to meet up. I said yes and that was that.

Fast forward to tonight and I'm waiting inside the local Potbelly's (love this place, welcome back Conan!) with my camera bag in hand. Now, I didn't know what we were going to end up doing tonight so I went out without my laptop and just took my camera bag, not knowing if we would meet up have dinner and then head out to take some photos or just chill. The latter ended up happening and we stayed there at the restaurant talking about everything from how YouTube is revolutionizing how we consume media to photography and then videography and business... not once did I take out the video camera to record any of our conversations...I regret this decision now as it would have made for a fantastic Vlog...oh well. We met up at 5 and it wasn't until 8 that we finally parted way. I look forward to our next night of dialog with anticipation and camera in hand.

Till next time!


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