Monday, February 7, 2011

About Me and About This Blog

Hey guys, my name is Rigo Zavala. I'm computer tech working for a school district in Houston, TX. As of the writing of this post, I recently separated from my wife and am in the process of getting divorced...I'm not going to sucks, but that's where this blog comes in. See, I've found that writing helps me cope...I won't go into too much detail, but lets just say that my wife and I splitting up wasn't my decision, I still love her very much and its been a rough past couple of months. I have some great friends and family that have been so very supportive of me, but there are just sometimes when even they aren't enough...that's where the writing has helped.

Every now and then I'll write something and it'll seem like it is directed at someone...I'll tell you now that it is...

Everything else will be my random musings and anything else I experience in my day to day life that I feel like sharing with you guys.

Hope all enjoy your stay :-P


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